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Zwangere vrouw overleeft aanslag Brussel en schrijft brief aan haar ongeboren kind

leestijd 3 minuten
Schermafbeelding 2016-03-26 om 17.07.43
Sneha Mehta is 28 en zestien weken zwanger als ze samen met haar man van een trip in Dubai naar Brussel terugvliegt op dinsdag 22 maart. Dan slaat het noodlot toe: ze hebben net hun bagage opgehaald als de eerste bom ontploft en daarna de tweede.
Temidden van het drama dat zich op het vliegveld voltrekt weten Sneha en haar man door de rook te vluchten. Even later in het ziekenhuis haalt ze opgelucht adem als blijkt dat haar ongeboren kind nog leeft.
Geschokt door de aanslagen, maar vol van liefde voor het ongeboren leven in haar buik, besluit ze een brief te schijven aan haar baby, voor als hij geboren is.
Die brief, met daarin een sterke boodschap van hoop voor een betere wereld’, gaat nu het internet over. Lees hieronder de tekst of bekijk de video waarin ze de brief voorleest.
"Hi sweetheart. I don’t know if we already acknowledged this with you in person, but when you were 16 weeks old, mum and dad were at an explosion at Brussels Airport. And no matter where humanity is today, I just want to tell you that life is a wonderful thing, and the world is really full of remarkable people. You didn’t just give mum and dad faith and reason to live, you gave us the awareness and presence of mind like never before. I felt more alive than I ever have, and I knew I had to protect you, so I was calm, composed and fully aware that we will survive. When we reached Sint-Augustinas [hospital] emergency, and we saw you oblivious and sucking at your thumb at the ultrasound, and doing your general acrobatics, all the mistrust, hate and angst for the terrorist attack vaporised. I do hope with all my heart that you are born into a better world, and if not, then you do absolute best to make it that. You are absolutely precious to us, and have already been a hero today. I guess much of the world,and has sent so much love your way. May you always be brave and healthy. We love you beyond words. Mum and Dad"
And no matter where humanity is today, I just want to tell you that life is a wonderful thing, and the world is really full of remarkable people.
You didn’t just give mum and dad faith and reason to live, you gave us the awareness and presence of mind like never before.
I felt more alive than I ever have, and I knew I had to protect you, so I was calm, composed and fully aware that we will survive.
When we reached Sint-Augustinas [hospital] emergency, and we saw you oblivious and sucking at your thumb at the ultrasound, and doing your general acrobatics, all the mistrust, hate and angst for the terrorist attack vaporised.
I do hope with all my heart that you are born into a better world, and if not, then you do absolute best to make it that.
You are absolutely precious to us, and have already been a hero today. I guess much of the world,and has sent so much love your way.
May you always be brave and healthy. We love you beyond words. Mum and Dad

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